Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#Cumberwatch - Benedict Cumberbatch Out of the Running for Episode VII Casting?

By: Dominic Jones

We've been covering the Benedict Cumberbatch/Star Wars rumor saga (#Cumberwatch, as we like to call it) for several months now and it seems we may finally have an answer.  And it's not the answer we were hoping for.  Variety is reporting that Cumberbatch will be starring in the upcoming thriller Blood Mountain from director Sergei Bodrov, which is set to begin filming in April in Morroco.  

This seems to take Cumberbatch out of the running for Episode VII, which is slated to begin filming in May in England.  With the the two films shooting at practically the same time, it's difficult to imagine Cumberbatch being in both (though it could be possible). 

Well, it was fun while it lasted.  And hey, there's always Episode VIII....

As always, if you choose to share this story on any of the various social media sites, be sure to use the hashtag #Cumberwatch.



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