Sunday, December 1, 2013

Rumor: Clone Wars Bonus Content to be 'Non-Sequential Episodes', Airing on Disney XD in Spring 2014 (Updated!)

By: Dominic Jones

UPDATE: Thank the maker!  It seems we can file this rumor in the DENIED category.  Lucasfilm's Pblo Hidalgo adressed the rumors on twitter saying "When word comes out, I'd be happy to go point by point on how wrong this guy is".
After word of a trailer for the long awaited bonus content episodes got out last week, it seems more details have been uncovered about the long awaited return of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.  According to the good folks over at Jedi News' inside source, Jedi Master SQL, the bonus content will indeed be 10 episodes, however they will be "very much stand alone, and disjointed, non-sequential episodes".

My interpretation of this is that the episodes released will not form arcs, but rather just be certain episodes from certain arcs.  This seems to fly in the face of much of the speculation that there would be a 'Yoda arc" or an 'Order 66 arc'.  Personally I have a hard time believing this because I doubt the creative team behind The Clone Wars would want unfinished stories being released.  That being said, anything is possible when it come to the Bonus Content and Jedi Master SQL does reassure fans that the episodes will be of "VERY high standards, and fans of the Clone Wars will be delighted". 

As for how the Bonus Content will be released, Jedi Master SQL addressed that as well saying that the plan to use Apple TV as a distribution method has been scrapped and the episodes will,  in stead be airing on Disney XD.  According to Jedi Maser SQL,

"The original plan was for digital distribution of these episodes through an iOS app as I previously reported. By all accounts, a cancelled or delayed Apple product that was due to launch in October has put pay to that idea.

There is a big plan for making an online digital distribution model for Star Wars content in 2014 but this too seems to be delayed (but not by too much). My understanding was this was all part of the app but was to be made online based too. Video’s, TV episodes, films, books, comics, and online web content under one roof.

As a result, the latest information I have is that Clone Wars will be used as a lead in to Rebels, with the 10 episodes starting in Spring, with the best of Clone Wars completing the summer season until Rebels launches in Autumn next year with a MASSIVE fanfair. All on Disney XD."

Now that's exciting news!  While it's unfortunate to have to wait until Spring 2014, assuming this is all true, it will be great to see these episodes on television rather than released through some obscure medium.   And what better way to get excited about Star Wars: Rebels.

As always this is just a rumor until confirmed, or denied, by Lucasfilm or Disney.


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