Sunday, December 8, 2013

Rumor: Cad Bane Series Coming to Netflix

By: Dominic Jones

A few weeks back, Marvel announced  a new project that would see four Marvel heroes getting their own mini-series on Netflix, followed by a team up mini series that would unite the 4 heroes as The Defenders.  Since that announcement Star Wars fans have been wondering if characters from the galaxy far far away could be getting the same treatment.

A new rumor from Yahoo suggests that a Star Wars Netflix series could be in the works and it will star the bounty hunter Cad Bane.  Bane was a fan favorite on the recently cancelled The Clone Wars series and could certainly hold his own series (although personally I would rather see an Ahsoka Tano series).  According to Yahoo's source,

"I've been hearing some talk that the 'Star Wars' license will move onto Netflix properties as well as 'Star Wars Rebels'. The idea being tossed around right now is a series focusing on Cad Bane from 'The Clone Wars'. But this is very early talks." 

They also clarify that this potential series would not be linked to the upcoming 'Bonus Content' from The Clone Wars, but rather it's own thing.  No word on whether the series would live action or animated.
This is a very exciting rumor, especially for Clone Wars fans who were devastated when the series was cancelled last spring.  A bounty hunter series has long been something fans have hoped for going back to the old rumors about Boba Fett in on-again-off-again the live action TV series.  Bane's fate is unknown and he could certainly cover multiple eras (Clone Wars, Dark Times, even the Rebellion), making him a prime subject for a series.  Netflix also makes perfect sense.  More and more series seem to be released that way.  Plus Netflix is relatively inexpensive and you don't need additional hardware (other than a computer or gaming console) to be able to view it.

Let us know what you think.  Would you like to see a Cad Bane series?  Or would you rather they focused on other/new characters?  Also, do you like the possibility of a Star Wars series on Netflix, or would you rather they stick with traditional television?  let us know in the comments and/or on Facebook.

As always this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm and/or Disney.


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