Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rumor: Chiwetel Ejiofor Cast In Episode VII

By: Benjamin Hart

Well, well, it's been a while since we've had a good old fashioned casting rumor about Episode VII! This one comes from The Times magazine which has released a snippet from their interview with Episode VII director J.J Abrams. In the second paragraph of the piece they drop a rather large bombshell in a matter-of-fact way:

"The British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, front-runner in this year’s Oscar race, is sitting in the lobby of J. J. Abrams’ office. If you’re a sci-fi fan, this might be very big news indeed."

Now they're not coming right out with it, but they're definitely implying it. Just because Ejiofor, who starred in this year's 12 Years A Slave, is waiting to see J.J does not mean he's been cast in Episode VII. J.J's a busy guy with multiple TV and movie projects on his plate right now besides Episode VII. But at the same time, we, as Star Wars fans, have to wonder. Does the author of this article know more than he's letting on? It does seem odd to mention this in an official interview with J.J. Ejiofor has some history in the sci-fi genre, appearing in the recent apocalypse movie 2012 as well as Joss Whedon's Serenity back in 2005.

As always, take this with a grain of salt until we get something official from Lucasfilm.

So does a mere meeting with J.J Abrams imply that an actor has been cast in Episode VII? Or is this just being blow out of proportion? Please, let us know what YOU think in the comments below, or on Facebook.


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