Friday, November 8, 2013

Report: 20th Century Fox Fanfare NOT In Episode VII

By: Benjamin Hart

No other movie opening is more iconic than that of the Star Wars films. The booming, triumphant 20th Century Fox fanfare with the Lucasfilm logo followed by "A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away..." has started off each Star Wars film thus far and has seemingly become just as much a part of Star Wars as Ligthsabers and the Force. 

But unfortunately, this classic title sequence may be changed in future Star Wars films. Of course, over a year ago Disney acquired Lucasfilm and the Star Wars franchise, thus 20th Century Fox no longer has distribution rights for the films. Fans have long speculated that Episode VII, which hits theaters December 18th, 2015, will not begin with the 20th Century Fox logo. Now Tim Molloy of The Wrap is reporting that Disney has confirmed this with him:

"The Twentieth Century Fox fanfare that has started every “Star Wars” film since “Episode IV: A New Hope” will be gone, because Disney bought Lucasfilm last year. It’s an obvious change, but one that only occurred to me with Thursday’s announcement that the next film in the saga will premiere Dec. 18, 2015.

Disney confirmed to me Friday that no, of course it wouldn’t open the film with another company’s logo and music."

While this is in no way a confirmation I think it's safe to assume that this is true. While disappointing, I fully believe that the amazing team behind Episode VII will find a suitable replacement for the fanfare. But lets be honest here; Once "A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away..." appears, it's not going to matter anymore.

Want to see what Episode VII's opening might look like with the Disney & Bad Robot logos instead?
Click here!


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