Sunday, October 27, 2013

RUMOR: Harrison Ford Reaches Verbal Agreement to Reprise Han Solo, Indy Roles

By Chris Seekell

Our friends from Jedi News have unleashed their latest scoop on Star Wars Episode VII, just days before the one year anniversary of Disney's purchase of Lucasfilm.

Jedi News claims that one of their sources, known as "Jedi Master SQL", has sent them the following information regarding a verbal agreement between Disney and Harrison Ford:

Han Solo, Harrison Ford, is back and onboard for Episode Seven, but that's not all. As part of the deal, steps have been made which raise the possibility of Ford donning the famed Fedora hat of Indiana Jones once more.

A verbal agreement with Ford to play Han Solo once more has been in principle place since before the Disney deal. Over the course of this summer financial settlements were reached. The outstanding points that had dragged on but are now resolved are:

  • Ford wanted to see the synopsis for his characters development over more than just Episode 7. He saw this in August and is happy with the story arc.
  • Ford wanted a commitment to Indy 5. He did not get this as there is no plot line or script in place. What did happen was an agreement was made wherein an outline would be developed by the end of calendar year 2014, and if all parties can agree to it moving forward, efforts would be made to move on Indy 5 for release before the end of 2016.
  • Disney wanted a multi film deal with Ford which transcends Episode 7. This has now been agreed.

This rumor follows a recent appearance by Ford on the Jay Leno show where he discussed Star Wars Episode VII without confirming an appearance.


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