Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Opinion: Do and Do Not: A Celebration Story


You’ll never find a more epic hive of creativity and awesomeness than in Germany from July 26-28. A Star Wars Celebration is an enormous gathering of like-minded people who have shared one exceptional dream: To “Celebrate” one of the greatest movie franchises of all time. Thousands upon thousands of people will descend upon the City of Essen, Germany, to live that dream for a few days. Being a veteran of a Celebration, allow me to share my Yoda wisdom.

Do: Cosplay it up! The 501st will do it, so why not you? Throw a twist into it by going as Bender the Stormtrooper, go legit, or dare to put on that Slave Leia bikini.
Do Not: Indulge in the bratwurst bar before putting on said Slave Leia bikini.

Do: Explore and see the sights. You’re in Germany, live it up!
Do Not: Forget where your hotel is. There won’t be any Ewoks to guide you back.

Do: Schedule, schedule, schedule. Being organized helps you see what you want and leave regrets far behind you.
Do Not: Be inflexible. If you miss a panel because you wanted to see the Star Wars Robot Chicken marathon, who can blame you?

Do: Take as many pictures as possible. Seriously, that camera should be glued to your hand because you never know when Seth Green is going to walk by or when an epic parade of cosplay is around the corner.
Do Not: Photobomb. Don’t ruin someone’s moment, especially when that person might have a lightsaber they don’t mind cracking over your head.

Do: Play the games. Laser tag, scavenger hunts, there’s plenty to do out there to fuel your competitive spirit.
Do Not: Let the wookiee lose. ‘Nuff said.

Do: Meet people…from Japan, Australia, the USA, France, Bulgaria, Egypt, anywhere and everywhere. Say hello, talk with them, have a drink (or four…it is Germany after all), and swap your stories.
Do Not: Be poor ambassadors of your home country. After all, in the end we all hate the Empire…or the rebellion…or the Jedi…or the Sith…or none of the above.

Do: Grab souvenirs. This is a unique experience and you should have something to remember it by.
Do Not: Forget to budget accordingly! There’s no need to skip a semester of college because you blew your tuition money.

Do: Catch the gatherings of the 501st and the Rebel Legion. It doesn’t matter if you favor one side or the other; you have got to see this in person to appreciate the magnitude of the fandom.
Do Not: No, really, go see it.

That’s my advice in a nutshell, but I’m not the only one that’s been to a Celebration or looking forward to this next one. If you could pass on ONE piece of “you must do _____” or “you must not do ______”, what would it be?


This article is an opinion piece and represents the views of the writer, and not the entire Star Wars Underworld organization.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious and great article. Thanks for the advices.... :D Celebration here I come! Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Hilarious and great article. Thanks for the advices.... :D Celebration here I come! Yvonne

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