Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Is the Episode VII Script Finally Done?


By: Dominic Jones

After months of hearing that they'd really begin moving forward on Episode VII when Michael Arndt's script is done, could the aforementioned script finally be done?  JJ Abrams' production company Bad Robot tweeted an image of some scripts with the description "Hot off the presses. Can you guess what's behind the cover? "

While there is no confirmation that this is the Episode VII script, what else could it really be?  The script is too thick to be for television and Star Trek 3 doesn't seem to be far enough along in production for there to be a script.  Also production on Episode VII is expected to begin in early 2014, so if they plan on following that schedule they need a script.  Plus we know that casting descriptions have been sent out and a story would need to be pretty close to finalized for that to happen.  

All signs seem to point to that being the Episode VII script but, as usual, nothing is official until confirmed by Lucasfilm or Disney.

Update: TheForce.Net has confirmed that this is not the Episode VII script.


Unknown said...

i rather not see what's behind of the 3 scripts. i rather not peek.

Unknown said...

We'll see what comes out of Celebration Europe II next weekend.

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