Monday, April 29, 2013

Rumor: Carrie Fisher "Confirms" her Episode VII Involvement (Again!)

By: Dominic Jones

While Harrsion Ford and Mark Hamill have both seemingly been given a gag order after speaking out about their potential involvement in Star Wars Episode VII.  Carrie Fisher, on the other hand, hasn't (or at least she's ignoring it).  For the third time, Carrie Fisher has "confirmed" that she will returning to her role as Princess Leia in the upcoming JJ Abrams film.  Fisher attended the Calgary Comic Expo this past weekend, during which she told fans, “I like being bought by Disney, because they never wanted to buy me before,  I’m glad they are doing a new movie because they are sending a trainer to my house so I can get in really good shape. So I’m really eating a lot of sugar in advance, as you can see. By the time I really get down to it I will have eaten everything.” 

This by no means the first time Fisher has stated that she will be involved, though last time it was passed off by one of her spokespersons who claimed she was joking.  And until we get official confimation from Lucasfilm or Disney, nothing is confirmed, she could (however unlikely that may be) actually just be joking.  However, the longer the rumors continue the more likely it seems that it will come to fruition.  And with May the 4th coming up, you never knows when the news might finally be confirmed....


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