Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Clone Wars Preview: Season 5 Episode 11 – A Sunny Day in the Void

By: Ciaran Duggan

Secret Weapons was a great introduction to our primary characters in this new story arc. The characters which I found to be most enjoyable were Colonel Gascon and the droid Wac-47. Both providing great on screen humour and were very relatable to the audience. 

The upcoming episode, A Sunny Day in the Void, places our heroic droids into a new side mission. They are stranded on the planet void and have to find a way out to return to republic command to complete their mission.  It is clear to see that there will be more humour in this episode and that this mission will lead to the appearance of a certain republic commando. Down below is the official episode description given by Lucasfilm, along with two video clips too:

"When all seems hopeless, a true hero gives hope."

After a comet damages their shuttle, R2-D2, Colonel Gascon, and the other droids crash on a desolate planet where they must make their way across a bewildering expanse of emptiness to carry out their mission.

Clip One: Crash Land on Void

Clip Two: Comet Impact


Preview Images:


Chris Seekell said...

I can't wait for this!

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