Friday, September 1, 2017

Topps Cards Listing Reveals Basic 'The Last Jedi' Plot Outline (Updated!)

By: Dominic Jones

UPDATE: A spokesperson for Topps has reached out to us with the following statement regarding the story below,

"The cards in this set for The Last Jedi are NOT in chronological order. In addition, the images that are used on the cards are screen grabs from the trailer. There are no spoilers in this set for Star Wars fans."

Original Story:
The basic plot outline for Star Wars: The Last Jedi has been revealed thanks to a new listing from Topps trading cards.  The full listing for Topps' "Journey to The Last Jedi" cards line was released online today and provided us with our first basic outline for what will happen in the film when it hits theaters this December.  It is safe to say these are spoilers, as they do reveal how the film will play out in broad strokes.  However, they are still relatively vague (there is no "Kylo Ren kills Han Solo" moment that will be spoiled by the cards).  That being said, if you are trying to avoid all The Last Jedi spoilers definitely stop reading now.  This is your SPOILER ALERT!

Here is the Topps listing from which we can figure out the basic plot of the film,

91 Rey’s Solitude
92 General Leia Organa
93 Rey and her Lightsaber
94 On Crait
95 Rushing to Attack
96 Finn’s Recovery
97 Poe Responds
98 The Fury of Kylo Ren
99 Shards of the Past
100 Luke’s Grim Perspective
101 Ski Speeder Assault
102 Walkers Incoming
103 The Resistance
104 The Resistance X-wing
105 The Resistance A-wing
106 The Battle Commences
107 Frigates Under Fire
108 The Resistance Vs. The First Order
109 The Millennium Falcon Flees
110 Heroes United

If you're wondering whether these are in chronological order, Star Wars News Net dug up the "Journey to The Force Awakens" listing and confirmed that the numbers on those cards corresponded accurately with the chronology of the film.  Based on that it seems safe to assume that The Last Jedi cards will be the same.  This list more or less confirms fan speculation about how the movie would play out.  It was assumed that Rey would leave Ach-To and reunited with Finn and the Resistance based on the behind the scenes reel from D23.  The question remains, will Luke go with here?  Does heroes united include Luke and Leia?  We'll find out in December.  

It is also interesting that these cards focus so much on the Resistance side of the story, and less on Rey and Luke or Kylo Ren and the First Order.  Also seemingly absent is Finn and Rose's adventure.  So even if this gives us a straightforward look at how the plot will play out, there are still plenty of surprises to be had in the film.

Shout out to Star Wars News Net for finding this!

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