Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Capital Ships Of "The Last Jedi" Revealed

By: Benjamin Hart

Since Force Friday II a massive amount of new information and imagery from Star Wars: The Last Jedi has leaked out, so much so that it's been hard to keep up with. One of the more subtle, but intriguing reveals has to do with the capital ships of the First Order and the Resistance in Episode VIII. We've heard many rumors and teases about them, but now we finally have our first clear look at two of them.

The first one is the First Order's "Mega Star Destroyer" that our friends at Making Star Wars have reported on several times in the past. It is the flagship of Supreme Leader Snoke, and presumably where he was while communicating with Starkiller Base via hologram in The Force Awakens. Apparently the newly updated Sphero BB-8 app includes images and description of the massive ship, which you can see here:

Measuring at 60,000 meters, the Supremacy dwarfs Darth Vader's Super Star Destroyer Executor from the Original Trilogy, which was only 19,000 meters in length. Wow!

Additionally, via the same source, we were treated to the reveal of another massive ship, this time from the good guys! Star Wars News Net got their hands on more screenshots from the Sphero app showing a Resistance Mon Calamari cruiser named the Raddus:

While much smaller than the Supremacy, the Raddus is still nearly three times the size of Admiral Ackbar's flagship Home One from Return Of The Jedi. Also, you have to admire the name of this vessel, which pays tribute to Admiral Raddus from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. A nice touch by the filmmakers!

I can't be the only one who's can hardly wait to see these ships in battle when Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens in theaters on December 16th!

Sources: Reddit, Reddit
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