Sunday, March 13, 2016

More Photos From the 'Episode VIII' Filming in Dubrovnik

By: Dominic Jones

Filming has begun for Star Wars Episode VIII in Dubrovnik, Croatia.  Over the past few weeks we've seen the sets being constructed on the city streets in preparation for the shoot.  Now, cast and crew have arrived and over the past 24 hours lots of new photos have emerged of extras in costume on the sets.  The Daily Mail got their hands on some pictures from the set that show lots of extras in costumes as various aliens, plus a little hint at what may be going on the scenes in Dubrovnik.  Obviously, we don't know what exactly is going on in these pictures but if you are trying to avoid all Episode VIII spoilers then stop reading now!  This is your SPOILER ALERT!
First up, some cool looking aliens and human extras on set,

Next up, remember that vehicle seen in previous set pics?  Well, it looks like someone crashed it.  Rumor has it the scenes shot in Dubrovnik feature a chase of some kind, these next pictures seem to validate that!

And finally, one more picture of some kind of giant animal head,

Yesterday we saw some pictures (which have unfortunately since been removed) of a what appeared to be that creature's body.  It had four legs and was massive!  No word on if this is just pure set decoration or if it's actually a creature that will feature in the film.

As for the rest of the pictures, the costumes seen above look to be very much in the same style as the police/guards we saw on set the other, as well as with characters seen the pictures which leaked yesterday (which have since been removed as well).

Star Wars Episode VIII hits theaters on December 15th, 2017, directed by Rian Johnson and starring Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, and John Boyega.

Source: The Daily Mail

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