Monday, March 14, 2016

Even More Set Pictures From the 'Episode VIII' Shoot in Dubrovnik

By: Dominic Jones

Filming for Star Wars Episode VIII is taking place on the streets of Dubrovnik, Croatia over the next few days and as a result there have been lots of leaked pictures from the set.  The Daily Mail just released a massive gallery showing what looks to be a very exciting sequence being filmed and perhaps our first look at some main actors on set.  If you are trying to avoid all Episode VIII spoilers, stop reading now.  This is your SPOILER ALERT!
First up, a look at the scene being filmed on a cruise ship which is docked in the Dubrovnik harbour,

Next, another look at a few extras,

Now we get to the good stuff.  We've seen lots of pictures of a landspeeder which appears to be involved in a crash.  These new pictures seem to show the moments leading up to and following the crash,

And finally, another look at that giant beast we saw over the weekend.  Some are speculating that it's John Boyega (Finn) and Daisy Ridley (Rey) riding it.  Judge for yourself below,

If there was any doubt that the landspeeder would crash, I think we have our answer.  As for the potential Finn and Rey sighting, as stated above, it definitely seems possible.  However, Diasy Ridley previously stated that she would not be filming any scenes in Dubrovnik.  Plus, we know John Boyega was in London this weekend.  That being said, we could be seeing their stunt doubles in the picture and they could be filming their close-ups at Pinewood Studios. Then again people were convinced that they saw Adam Driver and Gwendoline Christie on set a Greenham Common. 

Keep up on the Dubrovnik set pics:
>>The finished set
>>The Police Force
>>Warwick Davis out and about in Dubrovnik
>>Rian Johnson arrives and stuntman in action
>>Extras in costume
>>TMZ leaks

Source: The Daily Mail

Follow The Star Wars Underworld on Twitter @TheSWU for more updates about this story and other breaking Star Wars news.


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