Monday, February 29, 2016

Daisy Ridley Talks Luke Skywalker in Episode VIII, Working With Mark Hamill

By: Dominic Jones

The Force Awakens star Daisy Ridley (Rey) was on hand at The Oscars last night (even though Star Wars went 0 for 5 in terms of awards) to present the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature with Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionaire, The Newsroom).  Before the show, she spoke with MTV's Josh Horowitz about Star Wars Episode VIII, seemingly confirming that Episode VIII begins immediately after Episode VII (a first for Star Wars).  She also spoke briefly about working with Mark Hamill and teased Luke Skywalker's role in Episode VIII.  Check out the video below,

Daisy Ridley spills everything she knows about the next Star Wars Movies.
Posted by MTV on Monday, February 29, 2016
Ridley said,
“Me and Mark have been rehearsing a lot, and it’s really amazing.  When we went back to Skellig to do the opening of [Episode] VIII, it was so crazy doing the same scene with a different crew of people. He’s amazing to rehearse with, and I’m very excited to be doing the rest of the stuff.

It’s such a good story.  Seriously. Luke is so cool in this one. Really.”

Speculation that Episode VIII would begin immediately after The Force Awakens began as soon as the credits began to roll after the first screenings, and then heated up when a short teaser announcing that Episode VIII had begun production showed that scene being shot with director Rian Johnson on set. Though some speculated this may have been reused footage from The Force Awakens, it was later confirmed to be all new footage shot by Johnson.

It will be very interesting to see a Star Wars film pick up immediately after the previous one.  But what's really exciting is what Ridley is saying about Luke's role in Episode VIII.  It's no real surprise, given how The Force Awakens ended, but it's still intriguing to see what part he will play in the new film and how he will respond to Rey.

Star Wars Episode VIII hits theatres on December 15th, 2017.  The film is directed by Rian Johnson and stars Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, John Boyega, Carrie Fisher, and Oscar Isaac.

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