Tuesday, December 22, 2015

JJ Abrams Discusses Deleted Scenes from 'The Force Awakens'

By: Dominic Jones

Warning: This Story Contains Spoilers from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  If you haven't seen the film yet, stop reading now!

After seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens many fans noticed that some shots from the various TV spot and trailers were not in the final film.  Abrams spoke about some of the deleted scenes at a recent Writers Guild of America Q&A.  

Abrams said,
“As much as you try to kick the tires and write and shoot only what is necessary — no one wants to waste anyone’s time — when you’re in the editing room you realize, for instance, that introducing the character there actually diminishes their power.  Or, giving that information actually distracts you from what you should be concentrating on. Or, having that moment happen concurrent with that moment actually gets in the way of both — things like that.”

As for the scene from the second teaser where Maz Kanata appears to hand Leia Luke's old lightsaber (pictured above), Abrams said, 

“That was a scene actually filmed, but we took out. At one point, Maz used to continue along with the characters back to the Resistance base, but we realized that she really had nothing to do there of value, except to be sitting around.

Lupita did film scenes on set for that sequence, but it felt it unnecessary. So we ended up leaving those things out.”  

Hopefully we get to see that scene and others when the film is released on blu-ray next year.

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