Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Rumor: Maker Studios to Produce Online Star Wars Shows

By: Dominic Jones

Bloomberg is reporting that Disney has enlisted Maker Studios, a web based production company purchased by Disney for $500 Million in May, to produce online video shows about all things Star Wars.  According to Bloomberg, the purpose of these series is to, "boost awareness for “Star Wars” by employing online personalities already popular among viewers who weren’t born when the first film, “A New Hope,” opened in 1977." 

This is not unprecedented.  Bloomberg points out that, "Justine Ezarik, better known as iJustine, was one of several popular online personalities to make a video promoting the latest installment of “The Hunger Games,” the blockbuster film series from Lions Gate Entertainment Corp."

This move does seem to make a lot of sense.  Disney is clearly trying to reach out to the many potential new fans that will be drawn in when The Force Awakens comes out on December 18, 2015.  YouTube is one of the most dominant sources of entertainment today, so to have some of the creators there help market the movie makes a lot of sense.

Keep in mind that, while Bloomberg is a trust worthy source, this is still an unconfirmed report and should be treated as rumor until we get official word from Lucasfilm or Disney.

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