Thursday, December 4, 2014

Oscar Isaac Talks X-Wing Flight Training, Practical Effects, and More

By: Dominic Jones

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens star Oscar Isaac spoke with IGN recently about the upcoming film.  He touched on many issues including flying an X-wing, the use of practical effects in the film, and the "reaction" to his co-star John Boyega being a stormtrooper.

First, Isaac talked about how he prepared for his scenes where he would be piloting an X-Wing fighter,  
"I did a little bit on a simulator, just for a day, but ultimately it was more about my imagination. I remember some of my prep was getting a little ship and just playing in my room with it and thinking about the things I used to say when I was doing that."

He then touched on the use of practical effects and sets on the film,
There was just so much love poured into it and so much care.  The thing is, when you rely on the latest technology to tell your story -- and that's it -- that dates. It can date badly. Whereas, when you actually make the stuff, I think there's something about that that is a little bit more ageless."

He also addressed the racist reactions some had to seeing John Boyega, a black man, in stormtrooper armour saying,
"What's great about it is, it's like, 'Are you a racist? Here's a perfect way of revealing that to everyone!' [Laughs] What I loved about the trailer too is, like, the giant middle finger of the first thing you see, right off the bat: John's face -- BAM! So it is, yeah, 'Just deal with it.'"

Adding, "ultimately, it's not even about race at all. It's about a story, and it's about these characters. [Boyega's] a great actor, and he's so good in this movie. And, you know, why not? But what's great about it too, even more so, is that the huge majority have come out so vocally, the people that are real, true fans in support. [Laughs] They come out and defend it and make themselves heard. They really drowned out that negativity pretty quickly. I think that was really wonderful, to see that."

And finally, when asked if he dressed up as an X-Wing pilot as a kid, Isaac said,
"No... I was a gonk droid. That was my favorite outfit. [Laughs]"

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