Issue #150 of the Star Wars Insider Magazine hits shelves today in the U.S. In celebration of this, there are three different covers (see above) available, two news stand editions featuring Lego Han Solo and Lego Clone Troopers, and one comic book store edition featuring Lego Obi-Wan. The issue celebrates the past 150 issues of Insider, as well as 15 years of Lego Star Wars! In addition, it will also feature exclusive episode guides for Season Six 'The Lost Missions' of The Clone Wars, and the reveal of the Darth Vader Hot Wheels car which will be available at San Diego Comic Con. On top of that, Issue #150 features part two of the short story Blade Squadron, which is part of the official canon!
Check out some preview pages from Issue #150 below,

On behalf of all of us here at The SWU, congratulations to the team over at Star Wars Insider on 150 fantastic issues! We look forward to many more!
You can follow Dominic on Twitter: @DominicJ25
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