Monday, June 16, 2014

Rumor: The Villains in Episode VII are Sith Inquisitors

By: Dominic Jones

If you've been looking for a significant link between Episode VII and the upcoming animated series Star Wars Rebels, we may have just found it.  A new rumor from Furious Fanboys, states that the main villains in Episode VII will be the Sith Inquisitors (at least one of whom will be the main antagonist on Rebels) and that they will have been fighting against Luke Skywalker for the better part of 30 years.  According to Furious Fanboys,

There is apparently more than one villain, and they are Inquisitors much like the one in Star Wars Rebels. The name “Jedi Hunter” is what the sources called them as they weren’t familiar with the Inquisitor concept from Rebels at the time. These Inquisitors hunt Jedi, want to resurrect the Sith, and Luke has fought against them for years but at the time of Episode VII they’ve grown in number and he’s only become older and can’t fight them off alone anymore.

The Inquisitors aren’t fully Sith. They’re acolytes for a big bad. Much like the Inquisitor in Rebels or even Grievous in the Prequels. They have some Sith-like skills (lightsabers, etc.) but will never be full Sith and both them and the big bad they are working for know that. 

This is all in a galaxy where the Empire wasn’t fully defeated at the end of Return of the Jedi. So at the start of the Sequel Trilogy you have a galaxy that’s suffered years of war and Jedi who are hunted by Inquisitors.

They also state that both Adam Driver and Lupita Nyong'o may be playing Inquisitors and that Driver's character may have some relation to the "big three" (Luke, Han, and Leia).

This rumor seems to make sense and line up fairly well with other rumors.  The Empire was massive and it makes sense that, while blowing up the second Death Star and killing the Emperor was a significant blow, the Empire is still a force to be reckoned with in the Sequel Trilogy.  This also lines up with a previous rumor from Latino Review which stated "Despite having 30 Years after Jedi to set one up, there is NO New Republic at the start of Episode VII."   It makes sense that if the Empire is still around, there wouldn't be much of a chance for the Rebel Alliance to establish a new government.

There's also the Luke Skywalker issue.  Many have speculated that Luke will be in hiding on Tatooine at the start of the film.  This is still a viable theory.  As Furious Fanboys states, "Luke has fought against them for years but at the time of Episode VII they’ve grown in number and he’s only become older and can’t fight them off alone anymore."  If Luke had been fighting these Inquisitors on his own for say 15-25 years to no avail, perhaps he became disenfranchised with the Jedi way and abandoned it.  This would set the stage for the first part of the film to deal with John Boyega and Daisey Ridley's characters to go searching for him.

As always, this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.

You can follow Dominic on Twitter: @DominicJ25

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