Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Rumor: Episode VII Filming To Take Place In Scotland's Isle of Skye

By: Benjamin Hart

Another day, another Star Wars Episode VII rumor! We are now hearing, via Jedi News &, that Scotland's Isle Of Skye could be a filming location for Episode VII. This rumor originated on Reddit, where a user named angasal claims to have heard some interesting things while visiting the location:

"So I don't have a link to absolutely definitive proof, but I was at the Isle this week, and ended up chatting to some local guys who had just been in extras in Michael Fassbender's Macbeth which also shot there. They told me that Star Wars VII was coming to shoot some scenes there, and that a call for extras had gone around. So that sounds to me pretty definitive! Amazing place to shoot, and I look forward to seeing what they do with it!"

As Jedi News points out, this is not the first time we've heard rumors about the Isle of Skye. Almost a year ago The Sun claimed that "sources" had told them that “Location bosses feel Scotland possesses stunning scenery perfect for movie backdrops..." Neither of these count as confirmations, but it does give us an interesting trail of rumors to consider. Is there too much smoke for there not to be a fire? Are these two seperate sources legitmate? Let us know us your thoughts in the comments below, or on Facebook or Twitter! Also, let us know what Planet the Isle Of Sky could be in Episode VII.

Source: Reddit
Photo credit: National Geographic


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