Wednesday, March 26, 2014



by Darth Daddy

Darth Crassus is an amateur customizer active for just over two and a half years. A few weeks ago, I got an email with some pictures of his customs attached, and I thought that he would be a nice addition to this weeks Customizing Corner.  Darth Crassus enjoys making Star Wars Expanded Universe characters, particularly from Star Wars comics and video games. His next projects include Darth Caedus, Darth Venamis, and an Action Fleet scale Ebon Hawk. You can see more of his work on Facebook at DarthCrassus Customs In real life, he studies politics and also occasionally blogs about politics in science fiction at The Poli-Sci Jedi.

Darth Desolus

Jariah Syn

Nomi Sunrider

Darth Revan

Master Zao



Enjolras said...

Thanks so much for featuring my work! Definitely an honor to be up here alongside some of the greats in the hobby. I just finished another Darth Tenebrous.

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