Saturday, February 15, 2014

Invasion of Crean Lutheran High School

By Kat Kiele

Crean Lutheran High School, located in Irvine, California had requested the Mandalorian Mercs, 501st Legion, and the Rebel Legion to join forces in bringing credits towards the Model United Nations Club located on campus. On that day, MUN was able to raise $410.00, according to Mr. Brent Rudmann, the Student Adviser of the Model United Nations Crean Lutheran Chapter. Model United Nations delegates were manning the booth in front of the school, collecting bounty payments upon teachers, faculty members, and students. They were also selling Mando-Grams, which the club president, Jaewoo, called it. Throughout the 4 different periods that we were trooping for, we were invading the teacher's classroom, pulling teachers out of the classroom and locking them up in the jail cells that we had made on campus.

The Dean of students, Mr. Steve Hobus, got locked up for being a member of the Rebel Alliance. I was standing guard, making sure that he wouldn't escape the jail cell.
 Along with teachers being escorted, the costumers had a volleyball game against the school's volleyball varsity team. However, to make things more fun for the costumers, it was only the senior players that were playing against the costumers.                                                  "The highlight of the event was that kids face when he was playing volleyball next to Vader. The kid that was super excited to have the characters there at school. Moments like that is why I do what I do I love bringing that kind of joy and happiness.He is probably going to remember that volleyball game for the rest of his life." -Matt Middleton (Darth Vader)

Costumers: Eerbes Semaj, Obi Wan Kenobi, BlackRose, Royal Guard, Princess Leia, Darth Revan, Han Solo, Dan Swampthing, Darth Vader, Jar Jar, Anakin Skywalker (Episode 2)

 Portraying the Star Wars Character, Barriss Offee, Brihana, was causing a fight against the most feared warrior in the galaxy, Eerbes Semaj- Commander of Haran'Galaar clan. 

"I started doing this because it made the kids smile. I do this to make other's days a little brighter. And knowing that they are happy, encourages me to do more. I made and wore my Han costume at Celebration 5...and lots of folks liked it and wanted pictures...which was great...but when i posed with kids with disabilities, they were the happiest. And, so they were the ones I wanted to keep doing this for." -Jeff Donoho
The arresting of the teachers were fun, however, what was more fun was the reactions that we got from the High Schooler's faces. Not only would be peer into classrooms, we would scare some people at the same time. Our Royal Guard, Slade Willis, would stare at the captured bounties till they gave us the answers that we were looking for. 

This event was very successful and we will be invading this high school once again. 
Manda'galaar Clan members that attended
Haran'galaar clan members that attended

For more pictures, check Flickr or Jeditography

Happy Hunting, and, May the Force be with You!  Till next time, I"m Kat Kiele.


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