Ever since the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney, there has been speculation about the various collaborations that could take place. One of those maybe about to become a reality. Latino Review is reporting that Pixar will be making a Star Wars spin-off film!
Pixar and Star Wars have long history, going back to 1979 when Pixar started off as The Graphics Group of Lucasfilm before being bought Steve Jobs (and subsequently the Walt Disney Corporation). So in a way, if this is true, it would be a bit of a homecoming for Pixar.
Now as to whether it's true or not, I would say that we will see a Star Wars Pixar project at some point in the future. That being said, I don't think it'll be happening anytime soon. If anything, I would expect to see some kind of Star Wars short film made by Pixar before we see anything feature length (pure speculation on my part). However, with the Lucasfilm animation department focused on television with Star Wars Rebels, if Disney wants to expand Star Wars animation to the big screen who better to ask than Pixar? So while I definitely see it happening some day, but for the immediate future (now through 2019 at least) I think Disney will be focusing on getting live action Star Wars back on the big screen and keeping animated Star Wars to the small screen. After that, it's open season.
As always, this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.
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