Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rare Original Trilogy Behind The Scenes Footage Revealed

By: Benjamin Hart

In addition to the recent reveal of the Episode IV blooper reel, there's been a sudden surge of behind the scenes material from the original trilogy. Thanks to our friends at Retro Star Wars we discovered a wealth of rare, if not never before seen, interviews and alternate takes from Episode IV, V and VI on YouTube.

First we have two fantastic interviews with Sir Alec Guinness and Carrie Fisher:

Next we have an alternate take of the "You came in that thing?" scene in A New Hope:

Continuing, here's an alternate take of the med bay scene in The Empire Strikes Back. Notice the difference version of Leia/Carrie's classic line: "Why you stuck up, lamebrained, scruffy looking, nerf herder!"

And finally we have four videos from Return Of The Jedi:

Firstly is a deleted scene from Rancor pit sequence in Jabba's palace:

Next is this alternate point of view on the Sarlaac Pit scene:

Thirdly is this alternate/extended version of Rebel hanger scene:

And lastly we this behind the scenes footage from the Luke VS Vader duel:

Also be sure to check out this Facebook page where a lucky fan got his hands on a rare Return Of The Jedi laser disc and has been sharing clips from it on the page, which includes an alternate take of Yoda's death scene.


Unknown said...

Absolutely incredible. Fans have been waiting so long for footage like this.

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