Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Marvel Reveals Star Wars Episode VII Editors

By: Dominic Jones

Yes, Marvel, you read that title right.  The official website for Marvel (another Disney property) may have just revealed the editors for Star Wars Episode VII.  Marvel put out a press release regarding next year's Captain America: The Winter Soldier and, seemingly inadvertently, revealed that not only will Jeffery Ford and Jo Markey be editing Captain America 2 they will also be the editors of Star Wars Episode VII.  The press release reads

"The creative production team on the film includes director of photography Trent Opaloch (“Elysium,” “District 9”), production designer Peter Wenham (“21 Jump Street,” “Fast Five”), editors Jeffrey Ford, A.C.E. and Mary Jo Markey, A.C.E. (“Star Wars: Episode 7,” “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”) and three time Oscar-nominated costume designer Judianna Makovsky (“The Hunger Games,” “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”)."

Seeing as Marvel and Lucasfilm are both owned by Disney, this is technically coming from an official source, so this is likely as close to a confirmation as we'll get.  However, take it with a grain of salt until it comes directly from, Bob Iger, Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams, etc. 


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