Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rancho Obi-Wan Action Figure Auction

By: Dominic Jones

Steve Sansweet's Rancho Obi-Wan is what many collectors aspire to.  Now Rancho Obi-Wan is giving fans a chance to get closer to that dream, they're auctioning off 1,950 loose Star Wars action figures to benefit the museum!  The figures, which were donated by ILM model maker Fon Davis, make up approximately 85% of all officially made Star Wars action figures.  The auction closes on December 9th, 2012 at 11:00 am PST.  You can place a bid on the collection here.

Don't forget to "Like" Rancho Obi-Wan on Facebook.

Also listen to Steve Sansweet talk about Rancho Obi-Wan (among other things) in Episode 46 of the SWU Podcast.


Chris Seekell said...


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