Saturday, April 14, 2012

TOR-iffic Awareness – Explain Yourself, Martin!

By: Martin Coronell-Rodriguez/The Galactic Press

A 'Thank You' gift from BioWare for all active subscribers as of April 12/22, 12pm CDT/5pm GMT).

Hello, my fellow readers and fans. I do have some explaining to do as to why I haven't released a SWTOR article since the end of February. Sometimes, life can get in the way of the things you'd like to do. Sometimes you can prevent that, but other times you can't. I guess it just depends on the situation, but I hope I'm not letting you all down. Personal issues have been getting in the way that I've been trying to work out, and a bit of financial woes (I guess I could say that) have been keeping my subscriptions to many things an on-and-off thing.

My subscription ended some time in late February or early March, and I didn't have the money to re-subscribe since then, but I'm hoping to get a subscription really soon so I can experience the changes SWTOR has been going through since the April 12 Game Update 1.2, also known as the Legacy Update. I'll really need to be on top of this if I'm planning for The Star Wars Underworld to have its two guilds, too.

Also, let me just say, being in lots of communities and forums that revolve around your interests can halt some things you're trying to do. Maybe you're trying to write for community X, but you need to be active at Y while going back to Z and checking up what's been going on there. So you see, it's difficult making making these types of transitions because for some period of time you were keeping up with X, but now you must adapt to Y for some time, then Z, and the cycle will keep repeating itself until you eventually get back to X.

Gonna talk about some Legacy in my next article!
Now, let's get to the SWTOR stuff!

I did chat with Chris Seekell about my absence from SWTOR writing, and I asked him about restricting The Old Republic Cantina to just me. And by that I mean, just being a lone wolf writer for the page and maybe even the SWU community. He asked me if I was looking for underlings/co-workers, and I replied saying "Yes." If The Old Republic Cantina had a team of writers for Star Wars: The Old Republic, updates and articles would come in at a much faster rate and I wouldn't have to feel the pressure of delivering the news weekly. The job is hard, but I'm still dedicated to do this.

If a team is going to be assembled, I would take on the role as the Lead Writer for the team. Chris Seekell would be a consultant for us, and the rest of the team would consist of a few reporters and writers, with more consultants to help the team. You will also receive an administrative position on The Old Republic Cantina page on Facebook, and will have the chance to organize the Imperial and Republic guilds for The Star Wars Underworld. Keep in mind that this is a volunteer-type of service so you will receive no payment. This is because I'm looking for people who want to help The Star Wars Underworld-Old Republic community. This doesn't mean you can't participate in any events that could win you money or a free 60-day subscription, because we will try to organize events that anyone in the community will be eligible to join, whether you're an admin or not, consultant or writer, droid or Wookiee, Quarren or Mon Cala, Jedi or Sith; no matter the preference, most of our events will be held for anyone!

So if you're interested in working with me and Chris Seekell, please send me a message at, or preferably, contact me at Please give me a brief explanation on why you'd like to be part of the team, and if you're applying as a Writer or Consultant. I recommend providing me with related works you've done in any other communities. The deadline is Saturday, April 28, at 11:59pm EST. I will be discussing with Chris and possibly other Star Wars Underworld sponsors on each entry, and then we will choose from there. You will be notified via email or Facebook private messaging, whichever you prefer (make sure you tell us in your message).

Here is the last 'TOR-iffic Awareness' article explaining some events the guild and the SWTOR-SWU community will be doing together. This is for those of you who want to be part of our administrative team, or if you're just curious and may want to participate in these events.

Thank you for reading, and be sure to promote TOR-iffic Awareness! Help us reach 200 'likes' by the end of April, and there will also be a surprise once we hit 100 'likes' so please tell everyone about us! The Legacy article shall be posted in a couple of days, so until then, everyone!

To keep up with all the latest news and updates about Star Wars: The Old Republic, be sure to 'Like' us on Facebook. And for everything that the rest of the Star Wars universe has to offer, please 'Like' The Star Wars Underworld, also on Facebook. Comment, share, and 'like'!


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