Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The SWU Podcast Episode 25 | 2/28/2012

In this episode of the SWU Podcast, special guest Stephen Stanton, the voice of many Clone Wars characters including Moralo Eval, Captain Tarkin, and Mas Amedda, joins hosts Ben, Chris, Jordan, and Kyle. Stephen talks about voice acting and his characters in depth, and they all discuss the latest Clone Wars episode Massacre. » Right click here and select save link as to Download MP3. » Stephen Stanton on Facebook » The Star Wars Talk...

Monday, February 27, 2012

TOR-iffic Awareness – Enter: The Old Republic Era!

The Old Republic Cantina Logo. I'd just like to start off saying thank you to all my fellow readers and followers at The Old Republic Cantina, and the crew of The Star Wars Underworld.You all are very supportive and amazing people, and I probably wouldn't be doing this without your help. It is time that I now promote TOR-iffic Awareness, a meme that will help promote Star Wars: The Old Republic among the Underworld community. The Old Republic...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

SWTOR: From January 28th to February 15th – Part 2

Aww, how cute! A Twi'lek and his new friend. It's been since February 15 that I've posted "Part 1", and now my readers, I give you all "Part 2" of my informative article series—the last article to conclude what I have for you about Star Wars: The Old Republic from January 28th to February 15th. Be ready for a lot of reading, folks! I'll be going through some general features and announcements, and then I will be briefly summarizing the community...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The SWU Podcast TCW Season 4 Finale Trailer Mini-Roundtable

Star Wars Underworld contributors Chris, Dominic, and Savanna discuss the new Clone Wars Season 4 finale trailer. » Right click here and select save link as to Download MP3. » Watch the trailer he...

The SWU Podcast - Darth Plagueis Roundtable

Star Wars Underworld contributors Chris, Dominic, and Savanna discuss the Darth Plagueis novel. » Right click here and select save link as to Download M...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The SWU Podcast Episode 24 - 2/21/2012

The SWU Podcast Episode 24 | 2/21/2012 In this episode of the SWU Podcast, special guest Martin joins hosts Chris, Jordan, and Kyle in a discussion about The Old Republic MMO. They read your comments and talk extensively about the game as well as comment on recent Star Wars news and play and discuss some listener feedback. » Right click here and select save link as to Download MP3. » The Old Republic Cantina » The Star Wars Talk Show »...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Phantom Menace 3D Roundtable

Star Wars Underworld contributors Chris, Dominic, Jordan, and Savanna talk about their experiences watching Episode I in 3D and discuss the film. » Right click here and select Save link as to download M...

Clone Wars Bloopers: Ep. 4.18 "Crisis On Naboo"

  A very interesting episode, with plenty of Bloopers to talk about! First off, when the Ship flies towards Naboo at the beginning of the episode it doesn't even have a dent. But if you remember from the previous episode it was heavily damaged. Looks as though Dooku is making some credits on the side doing ship body work. Next, Derrown uses his left hand(If you can call it that) to reach through the ray shield and blow...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Clone Wars Bloopers: Ep. 4.17 "The Box"

By: Benjamin Hart First off, the ship has heavy damage on it's front and left side when it arrives on Serreno.  But if you remember from the last episode, it crash landed on it's right side. And even then it didn't appear to take much damage. Next, when the group enters the box, they step onto a solid white, rectangular platform. But when it raises into the Box it is square and made of of several smaller boxes, like the interior...

SWTOR: From January 28th to Febuary 15th – Part 1

A feature BioWare has put if you don't play for some time. Have you all missed me? It's been since the end of January when I posted my last article, but my small hiatus there won't stop me for regularly posting about BioWare's amazing MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic, for the great Star Wars Underworld community. In this article you'll read more about the guilds sponsored by the SWU, more on my upcoming plans for the community, and more...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The SWU Podcast Episode 23 | 2/14/2012

In this episode of the SWU Podcast, special guest Ruari joins hosts Kyle, Chris, Jordan, and Savanna to talk about New York Toy Fair. They read this week's news headlines and discuss the latest Clone Wars episode Crisis On Naboo. » Right click here and select save link as to Download MP3. » Ruari's blog » Ruari's Youtube channel » Fangirls On Felucia » The Star Wars Talk Show » Secrets of the Force » EmpireFails on Youtube » Subscribe...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

"The Box" Review

"The Box" was by far the best episode of the bounty hunter arc, and was a rather creative storyline that didn't stray to far from what we as Star Wars fans would consider normal for the the series. This was also a great episode for Cad Bane-lovers out there, including myself. The episode started out almost exactly with what we saw in the preview. The only thing that came before the introduction to the big floating cube of doom was Eval's landing and admonishment for being late, and Bane shooting one of the other bounty hunters there for wearing his old hat. Seriously, if this guy isn't the...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Clone Wars Bloopers: Ep. 4.16 "Friends And Enemies"

By: Benjamin Hart Yet again we have another almost perfect episode! But the Clone Wars crew didn't let us down totally... First off, When Cad Bane starts to asks Pablo, "Where can I get some quality Blasters?" there is no Toothpick in his mouth...  But before he can finish, the shot changes and his toothpick has appeared. Later on, when Rako(Obi-Wan) places the homing device on the Ship, it is close to the front corner.  But...
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